The admission of a pupil is conditional upon acceptance of these Terms and Conditions and the rules of the School. Whilst every effort will be made by the School to inform parents of serious breaches of School rules before any action is taken the Headmaster has complete discretion to impose sanctions, including suspension or expulsion.
The Headmaster may require the withdrawal at any time of a pupil whose conduct or effort is, in his opinion unsatisfactory or if he considers that such withdrawal is in the best interests of the pupil or of the School.
Fees and Extra Expenses
Fees are payable in advance of the first day of each quarter. Interest and administration costs will be charged on any unpaid balance.
The School reserves the right to raise the fees without notice but will endeavour to give as much notice as possible of any increase to the person or persons responsible for the payment of the fees.
The Headmaster reserves the right to suspend a pupil from attending School when fees are unpaid.
In the event of the expulsion or exclusion of a pupil or the withdrawal of a pupil without due notice, there will be no refund of fees for the balance of the quarter in which the expulsion, exclusion or withdrawal occurs.
There will be no remission of fees on account of absence.
Parents and/or guardians have a joint and several liability for the payment of fees and other money due to the School.
Withdrawal of a Pupil by Parents
The education of a pupil at the School may be terminated by:
a full quarter’s notice in writing from the pupil’s parent, or person with responsibility for the fees where different such notice to be received by the Headmaster before the first day of the pupil’s final quarter.
the payment of an amount equal to a full quarter’s fees, in lieu of notice, which amount is due on the first day of such quarter.
A “Quarter’s notice” means a full quarter of the school. Thus:
written notice received before the first day of any quarter expires at the end of that quarter.
written notice received during any quarter expires at the end of the next quarter.
Notice must be given in writing and addressed to the Headmaster. Notice given verbally or given in writing to any other person will not count as good notice.
Pupils’ Property and Insurance
A Pupils’ property (including clothing) should be clearly and suitably marked with the owner’s name. The School does not accept liability for the loss, or damage to, pupil’s property, howsoever caused, and parents are personally responsible for ensuring that a pupil’s property has the benefit of insurance cover.
Medical Supervision
Parents are required to notify the Headmaster in writing of any existing or new medical condition or learning difficulties suffered by the pupil which require medical or other supervision by the School.
Confidential Matters
Parents are required to notify the Headmaster in writing of any matters that may affect the education of the pupil and of any matter that may affect the payment of the school fees.
Reports on a pupil’s progress and prospects are given in good faith but without liability on the part of the School.
The School may in its absolute discretion and on a term’s notice vary any or all of these Terms and Conditions from time to time.
The School reserves the right to make any alterations at any time to the way in which the school is run, or any aspect of it without reduction in fees.
The prospectus provides details of the School, its history and facilities. Although, at the time of printing, the contents are believed to be accurate nothing contained in it shall form part of any contract between the School and the parents or persons paying the fees.